
I want to talk about the importance of being consistent. Our lives are built from the habits we create. The saying goes “Creatures of habits, right?” Or something like that. What you become consistent with is what you will have. 

Plain and simple.

We are all consistent with something, but how is it aligning with your goals?

I’m a homemaker(sahm). My goal is to start a blog, but every night after putting the kids in bed I would have “ME time”. Which usually consisted of staying up way too late doing absolutely nothing. I knew I couldn’t work on my blog at night. I was too tired and my brain was too foggy. Usually, I would opt for watching movies until 1-2 am and/or taking a long hot shower.

This did not align with my goals at all, but I became consistent with it. Every night I couldn’t wait for “ME time”. Now that I’ve shifted my “ME time” from night to in the morning. I can’t wait to wake up and get my morning routine started.

Right, now you are consistent with something that doesn’t align with your goals. I want to help you turn that around with a simple and easy approach. 

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First Off

I want you to remember consistency isn’t a straight line. Consistency can take form in a lot of different ways. You don’t have to do something every single day for you to remain consistent. Or every single day at the exact same time for it to be consistent.

The definition of consistent is:

acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.

Becoming consistent is harmonious, it is a balance, it is awareness. The more you come to realize the ways you are consistent, you will become aware of the outcome you expect. 

Consistency can look like:

    • Waking up at the same time every morning

    • Cleaning the house every Friday

    • Relaxing on Sundays

    • Helping the kiddos with homework afterschool

    • Working on your side hustle 20 hours a week

    • Eating a healthy meal/snack once a day

    • Reciting affirmations whenever you need a pick me up

Just a few examples. When you become aware of what you are consistent with in your everyday life, you can begin to align it with your goals. 

Here are 4 ways you can get started : 


Are you disciplined enough? If your goal is to save money. Are you stopping yourself from impulsively buying while you are out shopping for necessities? If you want to lose weight, are you tuning out the voice that is saying “One more piece of chocolate won’t hurt.” You want to start a business, but would rather catch one more episode of your favorite show.

All of these habits are created from lack of discipline. You have to be able to tell yourself “NO” . Everybody talks about being able to tell others no, but how often do you do it for yourself. 

Learning to tell myself “NO” was an absolute game changer. It was hard as hell, though. While I was making all of these impulsive buys. I also believed that I deserved them for all the hard work taking care of the home and kids I was doing. Every purchase had an excuse attached to it. 

Shifting my focus to doing something  productive instead helped. Gave me a reason to remain consistent. I wanted to see the outcome. Building up discipline towards myself allowed for me to say no to things that did not align with my goals and helped me become consistent.

The key to maintaining your goals is consistency. Being consistent with how you plan your day, routines you make and having patience leads to success

Create positive habits 

It is so simple to create positive habits or negative habits. And they start off the same SLOWLY. If you are new to the blog I talk a lot about slowly incorporating change into your life. Controlling the habits that I created helped me become more consistent towards my goal.

I created a multitude of positive habits throughout my life by making small changes that aligned with a bigger goal. Every 3-5 days I would add a little more to that small change.

Small changes look like : 

    • Going to bed 10 minutes earlier. Adding 10 more minutes every 3-5 days until you’re going to bed 2 hours earlier.

    • Waking up 10 minutes earlier and adding to it. 

    • Sitting down and planning your day

    • Planning meals 2x a week and adding to it until you have a whole week planned out. Then 2 weeks planned out. Before you know you’ll be able to plan a whole month worth of meals.

    • Writing down small goals every morning that you want to achieve for the day. Then add to it. What do you want to achieve in 3 days, a week, 2 weeks, 3 months, in 1 year? 

Creating small changes makes it so much easier to remain consistent because you’re not intimidating yourself. Small changes are possible even when your big goals seem impossible. 

I never thought I would be able to start a blog. Or plan meals for a whole month in advance, that’s insanity. These started off as really small changes that turned to something bigger.

Because I was able to make changes slowly. I was able to see consistent growth in my own character. Without discouraging myself with major changes in habits I knew so well, that made up who I was. 

Hold yourself Accountable

I’ll be the first to admit. It is so easy to place the blame elsewhere. Anywhere, but on me is fine. Holding myself accountable helped control where I wanted my life to go. It  helped me stand on my decisions. Every action was my own. 

Shifting my thoughts to holding myself accountable has enabled me to become more consistent.

I didn’t blame the stress of taking care of the home and kids all day for not working on my blog at night. I blamed myself for not working on my blog at night. Only then was I able to pinpoint why I was not working on it and how I could start. 

You can’t come up with a solution if you are never part of the problem. Seeing things from this angle allowed me to realize I needed to find a better time to work on my blog. I can’t control when they wake up in the morning, but I can control when I do. So I shifted everything to the morning. 

Implementing this one simple change improved so many aspects in my home and in my life. From having more patience and calmer kids to saving money and having better time management.

Being able to own accountability allowed me to look at every situation differently and see where I could improve myself and add value to these situations. I started to have less situations arising. I grew so much as an individual it contributed immensely to my home, kids, and business.

If you value holding yourself accountable for the small things throughout the day you will gravitate towards holding yourself accountable for your level of consistency. When you are not being consistent you will be able to point it out and correct it. 

Planning my Day

Giving your day purpose before it even starts screams consistency. You know what it is you have to do and you have everything planned out or at least a rough draft. 

I have 3 kids. My day does not always go as planned. My toddler has rolled out of bed with me at 5 in the morning a couple of times. This was definitely not how I planned to start my day, but I adjusted accordingly. I’ll just do more work during nap time. Low and behold my toddler decided 30 minute power naps fits their schedule nicely. So yeah, my Daily Planner is nicknamed Rough Draft.

 Nevertheless, I still write it out every night and put the finishing touches on in the morning. This lets me know what’s been done and what needs to get done. Truly making prioritizing a breeze.

I have managed to waste less time in a day and have extra time during the day. My day (what I do for me) normally finishes around 2:00 pm. This is when my  toddler wakes up from their nap and the other kiddos are getting in from school.

 From that point on I’m focused on family time, running quick errands, dinner being done by 6pm and winding down for bedtime.

Having clear focus and tackling those small goals earlier in the day gives me such a sense of calmness. I became attached to the sense of calmness and in return I stayed consistent with the routine. It improved aspects of my life. 

Why wouldn’t I want to continue? Ease brings consistency.

When I started doing these 4 things : 

  • Learning Discipline
  • Creating positive habits
  • Holding myself Accountable
  • Planning my day

My days became so much easier. I changed four major things in my life by taking tiny steps everyday. With these four things came consistency. I was able to see how much I could accomplish by having these traits. What once seemed like a lot really wasn’t that much. 

When I thought I didn’t have time.

I have the same 24 hours as everyone else, but now I am utilizing it effectively to align with my goals.  We don’t all have to use our 24 hours the same way, but we do have to make sure our 24 hours align with us. 

The more your day aligns with you, you won’t have to work hard to consistently keep it. So it’s not that you don’t know how to become consistent, we are all consistent with something. Find out what it is and shift your focus to align the consistency that you already have with your goals.

You Got This Folks !

I would love to hear what steps you are going to take to become more consistent with maintaining your goals. What small changes are you going to make in your life? Or really just anything you want to talk about!  So please comment down below or reach me on my Contact page.

 Don’t forget to Sign Up for the Resource library for “Free Sugar Honey Iced Tea”.

Oh BTW, disciplined individual tend to have some, if not all of these traits listed here in this article. Check it out maybe your a couple steps closer than you think!

The key to maintaining your goals is consistency. Being consistent with how you plan your day, routines you make and having patience leads to success